Central payment processing
For commercial customers
By virtue of cross currency central payment processing of EFIS the commercial customers [account debtors] obtain an individually adjusted rhythm of settlement of accounts while utilization of terms and conditions such as for example discounts.
Thus administrative effort is reduced – also thanks to the direct debiting system – and financial processes are being substantially optimized. Your cost of payment transactions is significantly reduced.
For suppliers
The full 100% payment settlement is an important factor for calculation and planning in your company. Increasing internationalization, just in time processes and the increasing demands of your customers have let this risk grow immensely.
The comprehensive payment processing across currencies as practiced by EFIS assures daily, on-time payment and reduces respectively simplifies administrative effort.
A timely electronic transmission of the payment advance notification supports cash management and helps to reduce external financing cost.
Your financial processes are being optimized and your cost of payment transactions are being reduced.